March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Application Programming Interfaces

The Tygron Platform has multiple ways to analyze, visualize  and query your project data. This can be done inside the Tygron Client  but also in others connected  apps via our public API.



The Tygron Engine can be accessed via a REST API endpoint.

This endpoint allow user to not only retrieve data from a project but also edit it or even automate project creation.

The endpoint also supports multiple data formats.


GIS Apps

Using Open GEO formats, like WFS and WMS you can also connect with the Tygron Engine via several GIS Applications:



We currently have two Software Development Kits available to help you start connecting to our API and integrate them into your own ecosystem.

Feeding the Beast

by Maxim Knepfle, CTO Tygron At the NVIDIA GTC Conference I visited several presentations that touched on a very interesting subject: The need to see the GPU as a throughput

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Tygron’s API in practice

The Tygron API has been available to all Tygron users since the beginning of 2020. This opens up an endless amount of new possibilities for using the Tygron Platform. The

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