GPU computing for Shallow Water Equation

Exciting news for the world of 2D flood modelling! Dutch researchers have confirmed that using GPU computing offers significant advantages for modelling the Shallow Water Equation (SWE), particularly at higher […]

Water authority game more topical than ever

In 2018, The Dutch Union of Water Authorities and ProDemos have developed a guest lesson with on an interactive game based on the Tygron Engine. Students vote for parties on […]

Tygron LTS release March 3rd 2023

The Tygron LTS 2023 is coming! The release will take place on March 3, 2023. In the past year, Tygron has implemented a large number of improvements and developed new […]

Terugblik Tygron CoP water

Op 7 juli 2022 vond bij de nieuwe thuisbasis van Tygron, de Rode Olifant in Den Haag, weer een fysieke bijeenkomst van de water community rond Tygron plaats. Een zaal […]

Opschaling en professionalisering Tygron

Verhuizing kantoor Vanaf mei 2022 zal Tygron verhuizen naar de Rode Olifant in Den Haag. Dit prachtige pand in het Benoordenhout is gelegen nabij het centraal station van Den Haag. Het architectonische hoogstandje van de […]

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