March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform


GeoShare enables users to share geospatial data, indicators, and much more within their organization, the community, or the public web.

File Sharing

GeoShare can be used to store your data.

  • Share data files with other team members.
  • With appropriate permissions, data can also be shared outside your organization.
  • Geospatial data can be automatically loaded into new projects using geo-plugins.

GeoShare Viewers

The GeoShare Viewers

  • Utilize the built-in GeoShare viewer to easily disseminate your data with others.
  • Alternatively, connect directly to the WFS/WMS endpoints to integrate the data into your own viewer or application.
  • GeoShare viewers can be configured as public or private based on your settings.

Public Share

The Public Share is accessible to the broader Tygron Community.

  • In the Public Share, you can find various pre-built Excel indicators created by the community that can be utilized in your projects.
  • You can also share your own datasets with the community, and with the built-in validation system, notify users of any changes or updates to your data.
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