March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

DXF importer

A DXF importer makes it possible to upload DXF files directly into the Tygron Platform. DWG files can be easily converted to DXF. Therefore, with the DXF importer files such […]

Interface update

A major overhaul has been made to the interface, which results in better navigation, scalability and speed. Scalable interface The new interface is scalable on different screen resolution and will […]

New Breach settings

To improve the Breach Growth a new inner water level measurement area can be defined. The Water wizard splits Breaches into 3 separate steps for more control. See also: [embedyt] […]

New ‘SOLID’ attribute for Buildings

Buildings have a new attribute ‘SOLID’, to ensure that for example hedges do not block water, but enclosing walls do. This can be adjusted as desired. This new SOLID attribute defines whether […]

Maximum Infiltration per Grid Cell

In ‘Infiltration Only’ mode you can now define the maximum infiltration per grid cell. This value can be calculated with a Combo Overlay.

New Dynamic Infiltration Coefficient

The new Infiltration Coefficient makes it possible to adjust the infiltration over time. You can now model a higher infiltration at the start of the rain, when the ground is […]

WMS for GeoShare

Supporting WMS in the Tygron Platform GeoShare will add more possibilities for sharing data with the Tygron Platform and with others.

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