Easier handling of Overlays and Indicators

Being able to determine the sequence of indicators themselves. You can group indicators. Determine the order of overlays. Add custom icons to overlay menu. Textual representation of overlays for child […]
Prequel Water Overlays with themselves

You can now also prequel water overlays with themselves, and you also have a result type and prequel for the U and V (impulse). For example, you can now continue […]
Support for JSON in Tygron WFS services

The Tygron WFS now also support the JSON output format, next to the default GML output format. This is very useful for compatibility with external WFS and web viewers. See […]

The possibility to export elements of Tygron projects and calculation results using GLTF 3d objects with 3D tiles. This creates the possibility to directly connect Tygron projects to applicatons such […]
Organizing overlays
With the introduction of the combo overlay (and others) the amount of options and ways to create your own models increases. With this increase we also experience a significant increase […]
Change order of overlays
Currently the order of the overlays in the overlay bar can’t be adjusted. When there are a lot of overlays in a project, it would be convenient to be able […]