March 19: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Three measures to contain rain water at National Park the Veluwe

Thijs Visser, Hydrologist at Aveco de Bondt was interviewed by the Dutch magazine H2O. He explains how, commissioned by water organization Vallei en Veluwe,  he explored measures to make the area more resilient to droughts. He looked into four different stream systems in the area – exploring the currents in the streams, but also at the ground level flow and the way in which the rainwater reaches the stream.

He used the Tygron Platform to get insight into the current situation in the area for a 60 mm an hour rainfall event. After which he used the Tygron Platform to model the effect of three different measures of which the construction of embankments (small dikes of 30 centimeters high) proved to be the most effective. Other measures that were analysed were the sealing of water connections in the so-called C-water system and reducing the flow profile of the main water system (narrowing the stream itself). The results can by used by the water organization in the alignment with stakeholders such as landowners.

The full article (Dutch only) can be found here:

Drie maatregelen helpen om regenwater op de Veluwe beter vast te houden (

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