19 maart: QuickStart training Tygron Platform

Tygron Client

Tygron provides a Desktop Client for Windows and Linux systems to visualize and your data.



The Tygron Client features an integrated 3D visualization system.

  • Present your project as an immersive 3D environment.
  • The 3D visualization is procedurally generated; simply modify the “floors” attributes, and the 3D model will automatically update.
  • You can also apply colors to all objects to represent various data states.
  • Raster data can be visualized in overlays, complete with smooth animations that illustrate changes over time.


Create pop-ups that provide more detailed information.

  • The pop-ups support HTML rendering for enhanced dashboards.
  • Content can be automatically updated using results from indicators, for example.
  • By utilizing templates, you can create customized pop-ups with specific content for each neighborhood or specific building type.


The Tygron Client also includes several built-in tools:

  • A measurement tool that provides detailed information about raster data at a specific point or along a line.
  • An address field that quickly navigates to the requested location.
  • Hover functionality that offers additional information about the data you are currently viewing.


Create your own flythrough in the 3D environment.

  • Define key points to guide the camera along a predetermined path.
  • These flythroughs can also be rendered as a movie (MPEG).
  • Activate measures or overlays that, for instance, illustrate the impact of flooding.


The Tygron Platform features a variety of advanced simulation models.

  • Specialized wizards for each simulation assist in configuring the necessary input data.
  • The wizards also include a step-by-step guide based on the selected options.
  • Automated fault checking ensures that input attributes are validated for correctness.
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